As siuo metu zaidziu naujai startavusiame s8 tarptautiniam (com) serve. snd loginantis toki pranesima ismete:
Administrator wanted!
Translator wanted!
Imagine you work from home...For one of the biggest browser game communities of the world. A dream comes true, a job with lots of responsibility and lots of fun.
You must be:
* Living in the country you apply for
* Native speaker
* Fluent in English
* Very good writing and communications skills
* Knowledge of the Travian Game / Travian rules
* Technical knowhow / understanding
* Organising ability
* Team player
* Manager skills
* Reliable
* Flexible
* Helpful
If you see yourself in this position, please send us your curriculum vitae / résumé to:
recruitment@travian.orgThank you very much for your support.
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